Tuesday, July 1, 2008

2 months old!!!

Can you believe she is already 2 months old? Thing are going well and she is getting big. Not sure on her weight and length...we will be going to the pediatrician next Monday, July 7th. She is starting to smile a lot now and talk to us...with ooing and cooing (if she could talk she would say...more food please). lol. Yes, she is still a little piggy and is now eating 5 oz. every 3 1/2 hours during the day and 5 hours at night (thanks to this little helpful book called "On becoming Baby Wise"). So Brent and I are getting more sleep now. YAY!

She was baptised Sunday before last in a gorgeous dress her Grandma (Brent's Mom) made especially for her. Her and her cousin Marie were both baptised on Sunday, June 22 in Lafayette, LA at her Great Grandma's church. This is the same church her Grandma and Paw Paw Dooley were married in and her Daddy and Uncle Brandon were baptised in.

The day before her baptism, her Grandparents threw a welcoming party for her to be able to meet both Great Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and cousins. Needless to say, she was held A LOT ...I don't think she was even put down once lol.

It was a little hard to go back to work but not too bad since I know she is in good hands with her MiMi (my Mom) taking care of her everyday.

On the subject of work.....I guess I better get some done :)

We will add some new pictures in the next few days.


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