Monday, January 5, 2009

Barely 8 Months

For those of you hounding me about new pictures...and you know who you are :)... I will post pictures soon I promise.

Miss Amelia had a really great first Christmas! Her Grandma and Paw Paw came in from Baton Rouge as did her Granny Tracy from Amarillo. So, she was on cloud nine from that and also spending time with her MiMi and Grandpa here.

She is still saying Dadda and Daddeee and not much else. She has only said Mama a couple of times one night in front of Brent and I....and although I think it was an accident...I'll take it :)

She is a 20.8 lb busy busy little gal constantly pulling up/standing and cruising along things. So, she of course is bonking herself left and right bc although her determination is there....her balance isn't lol.

She spent a night away from home for the first time! While she spent her first night away from home at MiMi and Grandpa's....Brent and I had big plans but after eating dinner and going to a movie (Benjamin Button)he and I went home and ended up falling asleep on the couch at 10:30ish. Whoo hooo party animals.

She went to her first surprise birthday party for Aunt Heather and had a lot of fun. She crawled up the steps again and again with this cute little grin on her face. She was so proud of herself and you could tell :)

Oh yeah, she also fake coughs. If you cough around her....she will imitate and smile. Or, if you are, heaven forbid, ignoring her...she will "cough" to get your attention and then smile when she succeeds. Just like her Daddy...always coughing to get attention. jk hehehe

Another cold=another ear infection. She went to the Dr. this morning bless her heart. No worries would never be able to tell anything was wrong (besides the ear pulling) because she still eats like a horse/like her Mama and is on the go go go.

She still really really enjoys bath time and fusses when you take her out. (Thanks Granny for the huge inflatable rubber if bath time wasn't fun enough ugh) :)
She also enjoys story time. She will sit there (I think that is the only time she actually sits still hehehe) and look at each page and even let out a chuckle every once in awhile.

She is a happy happy baby and we are incredibly happy and blessed.


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