Wednesday, June 24, 2009

So the other day, Amelia shut herself in the laundry room and started to Daddy carefully opened the door and said, " did it" and she responded in a cry voice, "III DIDD ITT". We laughed so hard.

She is now doing the walk-waddle-run all over the house with a smile on her face...amazed how much quicker she can get around by walking rather than crawling...crawling is old news. :)

She still eats whatever you put in front of her and a lot of it! She is worse than the dogs about begging for food, and like her Daddy, LOVES bread. She can now say bread (bed) while pointing at it and following it up with please (blleazze). You literally can only tear her off a little of her wheat bread at a time with her dinner because she will eat that first....shoving every piece into her mouth at the same time. lol So just to clarify her food hierarchy:
Vegetables (any)

So just in case you wanted to know that...there ya go :) Speaking of "Go"....Amelia always wants to GO she will say, "Go Go" and point either to the front or back door :) And, if you say, "No baby it is too hot outside" she will try the "blleazze". If that doesn't work she will start to fuss. :)

Growing up too fast I tell ya

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