Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mom and I took Amelia to her first Gymboree class with other children her age. She had a GREAT time and met 3 little friends: Sam, Emily and Jake (who kept hugging and trying to kiss her....but she gave him the ole stiff arm.....atta girl). She participated in the class part pretty well and then played and played afterwards. She played so hard in fact that she passed out on the drive home while looking at her book and then let me get her out of the car then place her in her bed without waking up. She never does that! So, then after a long hour nap she decided she wanted a "crkr"....for all you translating amateurs....that means cracker. lol. Saturday was fun time at the park with Aaron, Rachel, Aubrey, Anderson and Averitt and Brandon, Sunni and Marie. Then home....lunch...pass out nap (for all of us this time lol).

As for Monday, I took off work and Amelia and I went to pick Daddy up for lunch at Newk's and then LiLi girl and I headed over to the park for some play time. She is such a little daredevil! She laughed on the swing....that was fun for a little while....she rode the little bouncy horse for a little while....that was fun too. But, once she discovered the slide...OMG..that was the thing! She would climb the steps by herself repeating, "Good girl...good girl" over and over with me standing behind her of course(only 5 foot tall slide if that). I would make her sit on her bottom as she scooted it to slide down by herself. You see, when I rode down with her...she didn't care for that too much....she arched her back in protest. She wanted to slide down by herself...and she did....several times. lol. She is so amazing to me.

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